
  1. Researcher

    AIoT Laboratory

    Responsibilities include:

    • Design and analysis of UWOC systems
    • Prototype design of communication modules
    • Development of ML augmented underwater Internet of things
    • Publication of peer-reviewed research papers
  2. Research Assistant

    RAMREC Laboratory

    Responsibilities include:

    • Design and evaluation of passive components at radio and microwave frequencies
    • DGS circuit applications for radio modules
    • Modeling and simulation of RF components using commercial EM analysis software
    • Publication of SCIE papers
  3. Site Engineer

    Special Communication Organization (SCO)

    Responsibilities include:

    • Site maintenance and installation
    • Survey for 3G/4G BS sites
  4. Trainee Network Engineer

    PTCL NSS Department

    Responsibilities include:

    • Training of UMG, MSC, and BSC maintenance and installation
    • Operational procedure of new 3G/4G BS platforms
    • Deployment of FTH networks


  1. PhD Artificial Intelligence Convergence

    Pukyong National University, Korea
    A thesis investigating the application of wireless optical communication technologies for the advancement of Machine Learning-augmented Underwater Internet of Things. The thesis focused on exploring the possibility of using error correcting code in underwater optical communication (UWOC), developing and evaluating the performance of a multi-hop underwater wireless sensor network (UWSN), designing a prototype that utilizes relay-based diversity gain to enhance UWOC, and using data from IMU sensors to monitor the movement of aquaculture and predict the acceleration state of the target body using machine learning models. The research was conducted under the guidance of Prof Wan-Young Chung, who is ranked among the Top 2% Scientists Worldwide 2023 by Stanford University . I have delivered presentations at two international conferences, and the findings from these presentations have been published in four SCIE IEEE journals.
    Read Thesis
  2. M.S. Electrical and Electronic Engineering

    Soonchunhyang University, Korea

    GPA: 4.36/4.50

    Courses included:

    • Electromagnetic Wave Theory
    • Microwave Filter Design I and II
    • Satellite Communication
    • Wireless Communication System Design
  3. B.S Telecommunication Engineering

    University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan

    GPA: 3.12/4.0

    Courses included:

    • Object Oriented Programming
    • Communication Systems
    • Digital Communication
    • Microprocessor & Interfacing
    • Data Structure and Algorithms
    • RF and Microwave Engineering
    • Embedded Systems
    • Digital Logic Design
Technical Skills
Data Science
AVR studio
Soft Skills
MS Office
R language
Proteus Design Suite
NI Multisim
CISCO Packet Tracer
Raspbherry Pi
Network Analyzer
Antenna Radiation Pattern Analyzer
3D Printing
Proud Foreign Student Award
Pukyong National University Korea ∙ August 2024
The award was bestowed in recognition of the author’s research work in the fields of Machine Learning, Internet of things, Internet of Underwater Things, Underwater Wireless Optical Communication, Visible Light Communication, and application of artificial intelligence in IoT platforms as well as participation in reputable and respected international and domestic conferences, and the publication of high-quality SCI journal articles that have been underwent to peer review process.
Best Excellent Paper Award
The Korea Institude of Convergence Signal Processing ∙ November 2021
We investigated the software implementation of the BCH (31,16) error correcting code for a noisy underwater wireless communication link. The encoding and decoding modules have been developed on a compact microcontroller unit (ATMEGA128A) to support applications on small mobile platforms. The system demonstrated exemplary results in terms of packet success rate and bit error rate when operating in turbid water and under high intensity surrounding light conditions.
Excellent Paper Award
KICSP conference ∙ December 2023


  • Future communication systems face a significant demand for high capacity, dynamic bandwidth, and diverse traffic. To meet these challenges, communication networks have evolved in complexity, requiring innovative design methods and monitoring techniques. This study concentrates on implementing an optical wireless communications (OWC) system utilizing visible light communications (VLC) technology. The proposed system undergoes testing in various scenarios, with variations in transmission parameters, within an indoor VLC model. The evaluation of bit error rate (BER) is conducted at different locations. Experimental findings confirm that BER is highly affected by variations in parameters such as distance and intensity of light. Using different machine learning (ML) models, namely Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), the system’s performance is estimated in terms of optimal and degrading performance. Notably, the LSTM model achieved an impressive accuracy rate of approximately 98.89% in detecting the system’s performance when applied to an untrained dataset.
Proud Laboratory Award 2024
BK21 ∙ May 2024
The esteemed individuals of the AIoT Laboratory have been honored with the prestigious Proud Lab Award, bestowed upon them by the prestigious research project BK21 program for publishing quality peer-reviewed original research articles. The amount of prize money won was approximately 4 million Korean won. We take great pride in the members of our AIoT lab.
2021 FIRE Grant (BK21 Project)
BK21 ∙ December 2021
The FIRE Grant Program is a reward for graduate students thesis performance to inspire graduate students research motivation and advance their research skills Program. The prize has been awarded for publishing a good JCR ranked journal paper.
2024 FIRE Grant (BK21 Project)
BK21 ∙ June 2024
The prize money of 1.5 million won has been awarded by BK21 for publishing a top 10% JCR ranked IEEE journal paper.
Brain Korea 21 (BK21)
National Research Foundation Korea (NRF) ∙ September 2020
To increase the research capacity of the core academic field and to nurture the subsequent generation of studies, BK21 is the steping stone. The fellowship has been awarded to graduate students who participate in ground breaking research in the field of science and other fields.